Understanding State Administration Court and Disputes

Understanding State Administration Court and Disputes

The establishment of the State Administrative Court (PTUN) is an  effort by  Indonesia  to uphold the  values of  justice,  legal certainty and  Human Rights  (HAM). PTUN is  the latest tribunal in Indonesia following the issuance of Law Number 5 of 1986 on State...

Law Firm Management

Law Firm Management

Most law firms in Indonesia rely on the founders to sustain the business. It s not uncommon that a law firm closes its operation after its founder retires or passes away.  Such condition is undesirable, especially if  the law  firm has brought positive impacts to the...

Intellectual Property Rights at A Glance

Intellectual Property Rights at A Glance

People cannot be separated from the elements of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in everyday life. From waking up in the morning to going to bed at night, humans always intersect with IPR. IPR basically provides legal protection for business actors to prevent their...