Legal Protection for Investors Against Bond Default

Legal Protection for Investors Against Bond Default

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought a significant blow to the sustainability of the capital market in Indonesia. There has been an increase in bond default risk in the last two years. PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo) recorded that Rp 150.9 trillion of debt...

3 Important Things in the Procedure for the Merger of SOEs

3 Important Things in the Procedure for the Merger of SOEs

In 2021, the government through the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) merged Perum Perikanan Indonesia (Perum Perindo, a state-owned public company) with PT Perikanan Nusantara (PT Perinus, a limited liabilities company). Based on the prevailing laws and...

Trademark As Fiduciary Guarantee

Trademark As Fiduciary Guarantee

Every human movement relates to various objects produced to meet human needs. Each of these objects generally has a "self-identity" as an identifier. This identity is  generally known as “brand”. In Intellectual Property Rights (IPR),  registered brand is understood...

The Legal Basis of Esports in Indonesia

The Legal Basis of Esports in Indonesia

Video games are not only seen as merely a play, but also a competition involving professional athletes and prizes worth hundreds of millions of US Dollars. These video games are now known as esports, which is a short of electronic sports. Indonesia has been engaging...

Protecting Female Workers

Protecting Female Workers

Indonesia regulates manpower through  Law No. 13/2003 on Manpower.  Article 1 number 1 stipulates that "employment is all matters related to  labor  at the time before, during, and  after employment". Law No. 13/2003 is established to empower workers optimally and...

Preventing Criminal Sanctions Due to Illegal Mining

Preventing Criminal Sanctions Due to Illegal Mining

Illegal mining or mining without permits is rife in mineral and coal producing areas in Indonesia. Such illegal mining activities commonly involved  local communities. The rise of illegal mining is not without cause. It is not uncommon for perpetrators to claim that...

Management of CSR Funds from Other Companies by BUMD

Management of CSR Funds from Other Companies by BUMD

Due to the pandemic, many companies have experienced a decline in revenue, and even went out of business. However, quite a lot of companies have actually proven their concern through the Coorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program which is beneficial to the...

Legal Implications of Marriage Registration

Legal Implications of Marriage Registration

Some common problem involving inheritance law is determining the heirs or parties who are most entitled to inherit from the wealth of a deceased. The division of inheritance is indeed not a rare problem for families in Indonesia. In fact, the Civil Code has stipulated...