Getting business loans from creditors is a common practice in business. A company does this to increase its business capital or to maintain its business afloat. Despite the loan support, the company’s business may still not be able to grow as expected or continue to...
Law Number 37 of 2004 on the Bankruptcy and Delay of Debt Payment Obligations (PKPU) carries a principle called “going concern”. This term is commonly used in the field of accounting related to the financial statements of a company (entity) made by public...
The development of the world economy, including in the Southeast Asian region and in member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean), resulted in the decreasing boundaries between countries in carrying out economic activities. It facilitates...
Kepailitan dan PKPU (Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang) hingga kini masih menjadi mimpi buruk bagi para pelaku usaha di Indonesia. Cukup dengan dua kreditor dan satu utang yang telah jatuh tempo dan dapat ditagih, tanpa adanya syarat minimal jumlah utang,...
Oleh: Safitri Hariyani Saptogino, S.H., M.H. Era krisis moneter (selanjutnya disebut krismon) tahun 1998 membawa pembaharuan hukum kepailitan di berbagai negara dengan sistem hukum common law seperti Amerika Serikat, Inggris, dan tidak terkecuali negara...