President Joko Widodo has signed Presidential Regulation No. 77 of 2022 on Fire Analyst Functional Allowances and Presidential Regulation No. 78 of 2022 on Firefighter Functional Allowances. These regulations are issued to improve the quality, achievement, devotion and productivity of the performance of civil servants who are appointed and assigned fully in the functional position of firefighter in accordance with the workload, responsibilities and risks of the job.

This regulation applies to functional firefighter (DAMKAR) officials and fire analysts who have been appointed through the adjustment /inpassing mechanism since September 2021 but not get functional allowances. As a consequence, until May 2022, functional firefighters and fire analysts only receive regional performance allowances according to the class of position determined by the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB).

Salary of Firefighters and Fire Analysts

Based on data, the salary of DAMKAR officers in 2022 ranges from Rp2,000,000 to Rp4,200,000 per month with working hours reaching 40 hours a week. Firefighter salaries are determined based on position, length of service, duties and responsibilities. Thus, firefighter salaries can vary depending on the factors mentioned. In addition, location can also determine the amount of salary. Not only do DAMKAR officers get a monthly salary, they also get benefits in the form of health, work level, children’s education, and holiday allowance (THR). In 2022, President Jokowi issued the regulation on functional allowances for DAMKAR officers.

Latest Allowances

Functional allowances for DAMKAR functional officers are paid from May 2022 with details, namely Junior DAMKAR of Rp300,000, Skilled DAMKAR Skilled of Rp360,000, Senior DAMKAR of Rp450,000, and DAMKAR Supervisor of RP 780,000. As for Fire Analysts, for the First Expert Fire Analyst level, the functional allowance is Rp540,000, the Junior Expert Fire Analyst Rp960,000, and the Middle Expert Fire Analyst Rp1,260,000. Starting in May 2022, firefighter functional officials and fire analysts are entitled to receive regional performance allowances in accordance with the level of position and functional allowances based on the published presidential regulations.

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