Most law firms in Indonesia rely on the founders to sustain the business. It s not uncommon that a law firm closes its operation after its founder retires or passes away. Such condition is undesirable, especially if the law firm has brought positive impacts to the...
The price of cooking oil has been rising dramatically. The price increase has started seen since October 2021. Simultaneously, producers unanimously increase prices under the pretext of adjusting to the price of crude palm oil (CPO) in the global market. As a result,...
Indonesia does not have a policy or regulation regarding the protection of personal data in a special law. The stipulations about personal data are scattered in some laws and regulations. At present, Indonesia only has a bill specifically regulates personal data...
Gubernur Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta (DKI Jakarta) Anies Baswedan menetapkan Instruksi Gubernur (Ingub) Nomor 66 Tahun 2019 Tentang Pengendalian Kualitas Udara pada 1 Agustus. Terdapat tujuh instruksi dalam Ingub tersebut. Di antaranya adalah: Untuk memastikan tidak...