Hanna Kathia Septianti, S.H.

Senior Associate

Hanna Kathia Septianti is a Senior Associate of SIP Law Firm. She is a certified advocate.


Hanna Kathia Septianti joined SIP Law Firm shortly after she graduated from Padjajaran University School of Law in 2015.  She has since developed her specialisation in corporate law, arbitration and dispute resolutions.

She has advised national, international corporation and individual clients from various business sectors, ranging from finance to mining.  She is known for her consistent quality in drafting legal documents, legal opinion and legal memo;  translating court verdicts; legal research and negotiation skills.

One of her career highlight was handling and winning the case of annulment of arbitration award involving a national company. Her sharp mind and calm attitude have helped her winning a number of dispute cases.






Universitas Padjajaran, Bachelor Degree in Law


Indonesia Bar Association (PERADI)



  • Hukumonline’s NeXGen Lawyers 2023
  • First Runner Up, Best Applicant and Respondent Memorandum of Rudi M. Rizki International Law Internal Moot Court Competition 2012
  • Delegates of The 10th Willem C. Vis (East) International Commercial Arbitration Moot 2013 for University of Padjadjaran (Oralist)
  • Delegates of The 11th Willem C. Vis (East) International Commercial Arbitration Moot 2014 for University of Padjadjaran (Oralist);Winner of The 3rd Willem C. Vis Indonesian Pre-Moot