Most law firms in Indonesia rely on the founders to sustain the business. It s not uncommon that a law firm closes its operation after its founder retires or passes away. Such condition is undesirable, especially if the law firm has brought positive impacts to the broader society and people involved in it.
A number of things can be a determining factor for the sustainability of a law firm after the departure of its the founder. But this can be prevented with the intervention of proper and professional management of the law firm.
In Indonesia, one law firm known for its efforts to employ sustainable management is SIP Law Firm that has been implementing ISO 26000 standards.
This commitment can be observed through the three pillars that form the basis for SIP Law Firm in taking every decision to maintain its business. The three main pillars are profit, planet, and people.
Not only increasing revenue, SIP Law Firm seeks to distribute profits fairly to its owners, the state through taxes, and its employees.
Profits are shared to its owners on a proportional basis according to their investments and contributions at the end of each year. Contribution to the state, in the form of paying tax, is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations.
For its employees, profit sharing is given through increasing income both directly and indirectly. One example of direct profit sharing is giving bonuses in accordance with the increase of company revenue.
Indirect profit distribution is given in the form of incentives such as annual company trips to domestic or foreign destinations . This year SIP Law Firm brought its employees to vacation in Turkey.
SIP Law Firm also continues to strive to increase its business profit through the process of getting new cases, case agreements, case management, to the billing and bookkeeping process.
In addition to profit as one of the main pillars, the planet becomes the second pillar for SIP Law Firm management. SIP Law Firm is committed to supporting sustainability programs at both national and global levels .
SIP Law Firm’s commitment can be seen during the COVID-19 pandemic where SIP Law Firm contributes directly by providing full support to health care facilities and hospitals . In other sectors, SIP Law Firm helps its clients affected by COVID-19 in resolving bankruptcy and debt restructuring disputes.
In addition, SIP Law Firm supports its clients digitally in various forms, ranging from drafting rules to technical implementation such as digital business registration and personal data protection. This year SIP Law Firm provides support to its clients in materializing the green economy through increasing renewable energy to downstream mining industry.
SIP Law Firm also seeks to change the behavior of its employees to save energy, water and paper as well as managing the waste produced by the law firm and its employees. This program is carried out through various trainings and campaigns in various print and online media on a regular basis.
Electricity savings in the office are carried out through the use of LED lights that are more efficient, the use of lights only if necessary, the routine maintenance of air conditioner machines, the use of the air conditioner at a temperature of 24 degrees Celcius, and other small things that have a positive impact on the environment. Water conservation is carried out through the making of biopores around the office and the reduction of groundwater use.
Waste management is carried out by sorting organic and non-organic waste and establishing cooperation with waste management companies. In order to save paper usage, SIP Law Firm built an application called e-SIPRO. This application makes office administration more effective, efficient, and paperless. This is what makes SIP Law Firm the only law office in Indonesia that applies the concept of eco law office.
The third pillar that supports SIP Law Firm is people. Here people is understood as its employees as the main asset and the community surrounding the office.
SIP Law Firm believes that diversity is a strength. SIP Law Firm never discriminates its employees based on their race, tribes or beliefs.
Improving the welfare for its employees becomes the Law Firm’s main focus . The remuneration packages for SIP Law Firm employees include health insurance and life insurance to provide a sense of comfort at work. Hygiene and health issues are also a focus for this Jakarta-based law firm by using food catering services to ensure the cleanliness and quality of the food consumed by its employees in the office.
During the pandemic, SIP Law Firm made efforts to take care the health of its employees by providing vitamins, conducting regular swab tests, providing doctor consultations, and encouraging its employees and their families to administer mandatory vaccines. Every room in the office is equipped with hepafilter, hand sanitizer and masks.
To increase value, SIP Law Firm holds various annual trainings and programs aimed at improving employee skills and quality.
For the community around the office, SIP Law Firm has held a number of activities under a philanthropic program called SIP Berbagi. This program includes regular activities on a weekly and monthly basis to share benefits directly for the community.
Last but not least is the aspect of product responsibility. SIP Law Firm strives to maximize the positive impact of its legal services. One of its efforts is through legal education. In 2022 SIP Law Firm built a business unit focusing on legal education in order to reach the wider community. SIP Law Firm also manages an information channel containing the latest rules that can be accessed by the public easily and freely through
In 2021 SIP Law Firm has started to publish some quality legal books. SIP Law Firm’s consistency on upholding responsibility for its legal services has been appreciated in the “Probono Award 2021”, which appreciates the advocates responsibility to be more useful for the community, especially the underprivileged.
The efforts of SIP Law Firm have shown its aim to pioneer the implementation of sustainable management for law firms in Indonesia. Such efforts are expected to enable SIP Law Firm to sustain its business operations, to live and to grow together with its employees, community, broader society and the Earth where they live.
Author / Contributor:
Ibadurrahman, S.Psi, MM General Manager Contact: Mail : |