Indonesia has entered the fourth generation industrial era (Industry 4.0). Industry 4.0 refers to a new phase in the industrial revolution that focuses on interconnectivity, automation, machine learning and real-time data.

Industry 4.0 has tremendous potential in changing various industries, including the legal industry. The big change in industry 4.0 is the power of synergy from physical, digital, and biological aspects.

Therefore, SIP Law Firm seeks to optimize information with a sustainable system in this 4.0 industrial era in order to remain a superior law firm. One of the information optimization steps taken by SIP Law Firm is the use of the Internet of Things.

Documentation and Archiving

Documents and information are important aspects in supporting the performance of law firms. As a law firm, SIP Law Firm produces many documents every day, both in the form of legal products or management documents. The accumulation of documents produced may be damaged without proper treatment and maintenance.

Information, too, will be lost without proper management. Systematically-managed Information and neatly-archived documents are crucial for effective business processes, especially in shortening the search time.

An important process in storing structured documents and information is storing them based on predetermined categories.

After a particular period, documents and information that have been used in SIP Law Firm  will be archived. SIP Law Firm has taken two main approaches to archive management, namely the life cycle approach and the records continuum.

The life cycle approach includes the processes of creating, maintaining, and compressing records. The records continuum approach at SIP Law Firm is focused on records management as a continuous process.

Policies regarding archives at SIP Law Firm are made in line with the organizational structure, information needs, and applicable regulations. These two concepts are aligned  to ensure that the records can be accumulated efficiently and used effectively .

Therefore, SIP Law Firm strictly monitors the Archive Retention Schedule (JRA) which functions as a marker of document storage age.

Archives as a source of knowledge are  critical  to support future business challenges. Not only can it provide references to advocates in similar legal fields, archives are also important documents that record changes in the organization’s internal rules and policies.

Records management as a continuous process can occur across dimensions. In the industrial era 4.0, the collaboration between archives and technology is very much needed to support business needs. Such a collaboration  is expected to make the archives in SIP Law Firm not only have a function as proof of transactions, but  also a source of information in the future.

Network System, Database and Data Security

SIP Law Firm has developed an electronic network system to enable data transfer. This network collects employment and security systems, to information supporting services at SIP Law Firm.

Information supporting services include case archives, Indonesian regulations to reference books that have been collected by the SIP Law Firm library.

The SIP Law Firm library has an information database in the form of an Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) that can be accessed  anytime and anywhere by users through personal devices, which is systematically assisted in the borrowing process.  The OPAC has 1,672 library collections in various scientific fields. The existence of OPAC in the SIP Law Firm library supports library users to find appropriate reference sources independently.

SIP Law Firm prioritizes data security.  Therefore, it employs internal regulation in the document making to the storage and destruction. The archives at SIP Law Firm have been integrated with the electronic network through the ARTERI application. Unlike OPAC, which allows libraries to be accessed by the public, the ARTERI  application has a closed system to ensure document confidentiality.

Not only reference collections in the library and work archives, SIP Law Firm also pays attention to the regulatory database which is one of the reference sources in daily work. SIP Law Firm collects government and ministerial and other state institutions regulations in the website These regulations are categorized into  Peraturan Pusat (central regulations), Peraturan Kementerian (ministerial regulations), Peraturan Lembaga Pemerintah Non Kementerian (non-ministerial state institution regulations), and Peraturan Daerah. (regional regulations).

Library books, archives, to regulatory databases are collected and managed in such a way to support business processes at SIP Law Firm. Legal products to internal regulations in the SIP Law Firm are evidence that the optimization of information contained in the SIP Law Firm has gone well.

Optimization of Information and Human Resource Development

The network system also collaborates with human resource development programs to categorize information, make it well organized and transform it into knowledge to improve the quality of human resource in SIP Law Firm.

An example of optimizing information for improving human resources at SIP Law Firm is the Sharing Session. The SIP Law Firm library has a collection of legal and non-legal books for references for advocates and employees in carrying out their work. These references are presented in the Sharing Session for the purpose of distributing knowledge among employees of SIP Law Firm. The process from collecting reference collections to being used as material in the Sharing Session is through a process involving the Information and Technology section.

The collaboration between archives and technology is expected to make the archives in SIP Law Firm not only have a function as proof of transactions, but also a source of information in the future.

Author / Contributor:

 Anggun Astuti, S.Hum

Knowledge Management Officer


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