A 2018 survey suggests that many children in Indonesia have suffered from violence. Generally, the violence is done from the  children’s closest people, peers and adults. Although the government has issued Law No. 23 /2002 on Child Protection and Law No. 35/2014 on Amendments to Law Number 23/2002 on Child Protection,  violence against children remains a regular problem.

To lower the level of violence against children in Indonesia,  President Joko Widodo issued Presidential Regulation No. 101/2022 on the National Strategy for the Elimination of Violence Against Children on July 15, 2002.


The main objective of the laws related to child protection  is to reduce violence against children. In addition, the child protection laws have other objectives, as follows:

  1. ensure the provisions of laws and regulations and policies to eliminate all forms of violence against children
  2. address socio-cultural factors justifying the use of violence, and strengthen values ​​and norms to support the protection against violence against children
  3. create a safe and friendly environment for children, both inside and outside the home
  4. improve the quality of care through understanding, ability, and behavior of parents/caregivers about quality and non-violent parenting
  5. increase access of vulnerable families to economic empowerment services to prevent violence against and neglect of children
  6. ensure the availability and ease of access to integrated services for children who are at risk of suffering from violence and are victims of violence
  7. ensure that children can protect themselves from violence and are able to act as agents of change


National Strategy for the Elimination of Violence Against Children (PKTA)

The government designs various strategies to eliminate violence against children, such as:

  1. ensuring provision of policies, implementation of regulations and law enforcement against violence against children
  2. strengthening norms and values of anti-violence
  3. creating a safe environment from violence
  4. improving the quality of care and providing support for parents/caregivers
  5. driving economic empowerment of vulnerable families
  6. providing integrated service availability and access
  7. providing life skills education for children’s self-defense

To ensure the smooth implementation of the PKTA National Strategy, the government allocates funds. These funds are sourced from the state revenue and expenditure budget, regional revenue and expenditure budgets as well as other legal and non-binding sources in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.

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Perlindungan Khusus Bagi Anak dalam PP 78/2021