The transportation accident rate in Indonesia is quite high. According to reports, there were 15,265 transportation accident cases from January 1 to February 17, 2022. To facilitate investigations into transportation accidents and to reduce transportation accident rates in Indonesia, the president established the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) through Government Regulation No. 62/2013 on Transportation Accident Investigations.

On July 15, 2022, the president issued Presidential Regulation No. 102/2022 on the National Transportation Safety Committee as an effort to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the duties, functions and organizational positions of the KNKT.

Definition of KNKT

KNKT is an independent institution whose job is to carry out transportation accident investigations. This investigation is carried out by collecting, processing, analyzing, and presenting data in a systematic and objective manner so that the same accident case can be avoided.

KNKT is an organization lead by a chairman responsible to the president. Provisions on the KNKT organizational structure, appointment and dismissal of membership of the organization are also regulated in Presidential Regulation No. 102/2022.

Functions of KNKT

Based on article 4 of Presidential Regulation No. 102/2022, the functions of KNKT are as follow:

  1. requesting data and information from individuals, actors, employees/officials of related agencies, related agencies, related professional institutions/organizations, the public, and/or other parties.
  2. collecting, processing, analyzing, and presenting data systematically and objectively on the causes of transportation accidents.
  3. preparation of reports on the results of the implementation of transportation accident investigations.
  4. granting and/or submitting recommendations in the final report of the transportation accident investigation.
  5. implementing coordination and cooperation in the investigation of transportation accidents
  6. implementing evaluation, monitoring, clarification, assessment, and dissemination of recommendations in the final report of transportation accident investigation.
  7. mplementting transportation accident investigation information system.


Presidential Decree No. 102/2022 stipulates that the funding required for the implementation of the duties and functions of the KNKT is borne by the state revenue and expenditure budget (APBN) through the budget of the ministry that administers government affairs in the transportation sector. With this regulation, the government can oversee proper law enforcement on perpetrators and victims involved in transportation accidents through the KNKT.

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