M. Ihsan Abdurrahman, S.H.


Ihsan Abdurrahman is an Associate of SIP Law Firm. He is a certified advocate.
Experience & Expertise
Since joining SIP Law Firm M. Ihsan Abdurrahman has developed his expertise in investment law, restructuring and insolvency as well as technology, media and telecommunication.

Universitas Padjadjaran, Bachelor Degre in Law



Indonesia Competition Commission College Ambassador 2019, Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha Republic Indonesia.
First Place, Contract Drafting and Negotiation Competition 2017, The 8th Business Law Competition Universitas Indonesia Crownof Hafni Sjahruddin.
Best Contract, Contract Drafting and Negotiation Competition 2017, The 8th Business Law Competition Universitas Indonesia Crown of Hafni Sjahruddin.
