Akhmad Baskoro Priyatmaja, S.H.


Akhmad Baskoro Priyatmaja is an Associate of SIP Law Firm. He is a certified advocate.

Experience & Expertise

Ahmad Baskoro Priyatmaja joined SIP Law Firm since April 2018, making his mark with a strong focus on property law and state administrative law.

Baskoro has mainly advised and represented clients in the field of property and retail. He is known for his confidence and research skills.

His years of experience in the legal field have shaped him into a confident lawyer, believing that self-assurance is a vital asset in the challenging world of law. His self-assured approach extends beyond his professional life, playing a significant role in nurturing relationships with colleagues and clients alike.


Universitas Tujuh Belas Agustus, Bachelor’s Degree in Law


Indonesian Advocates Union (IKADIN)
Indonesia Bar Association (PERADI)


Understanding State Administration Court and Disputes