Establishing a good and healthy environment is a mission that the Indonesian government aims to achieve. One of the efforts to deliver environmental development is to develop environmental generation through a grassroots management approach in the environment and forestry sector.  To develop environmental generation, the government issued the Minister of Environment Regulation No. 8/2022 on the Pioneering of Environmental Generation Development.

Development of Environmental Generation

Development of Environmental Generation (PGL) is an effort to grow and improve knowledge, skills, attitudes and behavior of people to care for and cultivate the environment with the main characteristics of sustainability, sustainability and creative entrepreneurship. PGL is implemented in stages and begins with a pilot at the national, provincial, and district or city levels. PGL is planned by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. PGL plans are set out in a five year PGL plan and a one year PGL plan.

Development Plan of Environmental Generation

PGL’s five-year plan includes at least several plans, such as:

a. objectives and strategies

b. achievement targets and activities and their phasing

c. goals

d. budget plan

The one-year PGL plan contains several plans, such as:

a. target achievements at the planned stage

b. activity plan

c. budget plan

Identification of PGL Needs

Identification of PGL Needs (IKPGL) is the process of collecting data and determining PGL needs. IKPGL from each level will be different. IKPGL at the national level is carried out based on and includes aspects of national-level environmental development strategic policies and cross-sector strategic policies related to the environmental sector.  The second one involves national strategic issues regarding the environment. The third involves the potential and mitigation of national disasters and the target of achieving carbon emission reduction in the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Finally, it involves human resource development plans and supporting resources.

Unlike that in the national level, the identification of PGL needs at the provincial level is carried out based on aspects of provincial environmental development strategic policies, provincial environmental strategic issues, provincial disaster potential and mitigation as well as carbon reduction achievement targets and supporting resources. Lastly, for the regency or city level, the IPGL is carried out based on the same aspects but at the city level.

Implementation of Development of Environmental Generation

PGL is implemented in accordance with the provisions of the applicable law. The implementation of PGL as stipulated in article 8 of the ministerial regulation includes:

1. Development of Environmental Awareness and Knowledgeable Behavior

Development of environmental awareness and knowledgeable behavior is carried out in the form of activities such as environmental awareness and knowledgeable movements. This movement is applied in daily life, in the school environment and the environment of relevant educational associations. In addition to the movement, there is coaching and field supervision to stimulate the movement to care for the environment.

2. Development of Creative Entrepreneurial Spirit in the Environmental Field

The activities carried out in the development of creative entrepreneurial spirit in the environmental sector are to foster and develop a circular economy. Then continued by providing support and facilities for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the implementation of sustainability and sustainability. Then, apprenticeships are carried out at creative business locations as well as promotional support and networking for business actors.

3. Establishment and empowerment of environmental cadres

Conducting open selection and selection to determine environmental cadres. Environmental cadres are empowered through pioneering orientation and field practice. Environmental cadres will be supervised and given appropriate assignments. Environmental cadres conduct pilot projects with sustainability and sustainability.

4. Assistance or facilitation

The assistance provided is in the form of activities that include consultation, coordination, supervision, facilitation and pilot and development promotion (development management).

5. Counseling

The extension in question is carried out by means of socialization, campaigns, workshops, meetings, technical meetings, publications and exposures, creativity and innovation events, demonstration field sides, legal schools and other extension methods.

6. Awards

Awards will be given to:

a. individuals

b. community institutions, community organizations, youth organizations, non-governmental organizations, foundations, the business world, communities of common interest, formal education units and other community institutions

c. governors and regents or mayors

d. other parties involved in PGL

The awards are given in the form of coaching funds, certificates, plaques, trophies, pilot activity packages, comparative studies and other forms of awards.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation will be carried out by the minister, governor, and regent or mayor to determine whether the plan being implemented is working effectively. This monitoring is carried out to ensure that every stage of work that has been planned has been carried out. Monitoring is also carried out so that if a problem occurs at any stage of the work, it can be resolved quickly. Evaluation is carried out periodically at least once a year). This evaluation will be seen from the achievement of targets as follows:

a. the creation of a generation concerned and knowledgeable about the environment and forestry

b. the creation of a generation with a creative entrepreneurial spirit for environmental and forestry conservation

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