Our Teams

Safitri Hariyani advokat pendiri SIP LAw Firm

Dr. Safitri Hariyani Saptogino, S.H., M.H.

Founding Partner

Djubaidah Jufri SIP Law firm

Zubaidah Jufri, S.H., M.Kn., CHRP.

Managing Partner

Our Teams

Dr. Noor Rachmad, SH., M.H.


Our Teams

Tri Hartanto, S.H., M.Kn., M.M., CLA, AIIArb.


partner sip law firm Arief Nugroho, SH, MH

Arief Nugroho, S.H., M.H.


Our Teams

R Yudha Triarianto Wasono, S.H., M.H.


Caesar AF is Senior Associate in Corporate Law division with specialization in Bankruptcy Law. He has been practicing law since 2008 and has been working with clients from various business sectors to resolve their bankruptcy matters. Caesar also acts as Receiver (Curator) and Certified Legal Auditor

Caesar Aidil Fitri, S.H., CLA.


sip law firm legal advisor parwoto

Parwoto Wignjosumarto, S.H.

Legal Advisor

Konsultan Intelectual Property Rakhmita Desmayanti

Rakhmita Desmayanti, S.H., M.H.

Partner SIPR

Eric Tin is a Partner at Donaldson & Burkinshaw, one of the leading law firms in Singapore. He currently heads the Litigation & Dispute Resolution Practice, and the Healthcare Law Practice Group within it.

Eric Tin

Foreign Counsel

Our Teams

Robert Heath KC.

Foreign Counsel

Forrest Gan

Forrest Gan

Foreign Counsel


Adhitya Chandra Darmawan, S.H., CLA.

Senior Associate

Our Teams

Anthony Muslim P., S.H.

Senior Associate


Asdel Fira, S.H., CHRP.

Senior Associate

Kathia Septianti

Hanna Kathia Septianti, S.H.

Senior Associate


Ikra Rhama, S.H, M.H., C.L.A

Senior Associate

Rekyono Dihatmojo, also known as Reky, is Associate of SIP Law Firm specializing in Property Law, Corporate Law and Litigation. He obtained his license in 2015 and has worked with clients from wide range of sectors, handling their legal matters.

Rekyono Dihatmojo, S.H.

Senior Associate

Surya Lantoranda

Akbar Surya Lantoranda, S.H., CEL., CLA., C.P.C.L.E., CCL

Senior Associate


Akhmad Baskoro Priyatmaja, S.H.


Our Teams

Ariyo Priyambodo, S.H., CMB., CRA.


Our Teams

Ayudinda P. Kharisma, S.H.


Our Teams

Bhakti Putra Nugraha, S.H.



Devi Trisnawati, S.H., M.H.


Erman started his career in legal business in 2013 and admitted to practice in 2015. Before joining the firm in 2016, he worked as an apprentice at Ansor Legal Aid. Then, he worked at Erman Mahendraputra & Associate and Imme Law Firm. He has wide range of experience in dispute cases, among others business dispute, divorce, land dispute, medical dispute as well as fraud and embezzlement in banking sector.

Erman Mahendraputra, S.H., M.H., CM., CRA.


Our Teams

Fajar Thariq Rahartarto, S.H., C.L.A.


Ferro Alano has been working as a Associate for SIP Law Firm on 2018. On average, Ferro Alano works for one company for 4 years 1 month.

Ferro Alano, S.H.


Isni Ridha

Fitri Isni Ridha, S.H.


Our Teams

Guntur Urana, S.H.


Ihsan Abdurrahman

M. Ihsan Abdurrahman, S.H.


Our Teams

Suryady, S.H.


Our Teams

Tunas Nur Amina, S.H.


Our Teams

Zerico Sandyaksa, S.H., M.H.


Garindra, S.H.

Garda Garindra, S.H.


Oktabrian SH

Avan Oktabrian Buchori, S.H.

Junior Associate

Novantyo Wibowo

Bagas Novantyo Wibowo, S.H.

Junior Associate

Larasati Amalia

Bella Larasati Amalia, S.H.

Junior Associate

kusuma SH

Darma Kusuma, S.H., CCA.

Junior Associate

Ananda Khoirunnisaa

Dhiyaa Ananda Khoirunnisaa, S.H.

Junior Associate

Sinara Sukma

Enggarfaesti Sinara Sukma, S.H.

Junior Associate

Zaldya SH

Irvan Zaldya, S.H.

Junior Associate

Justitia Resalane

Justitia Resalane, S.H. M.H.

Junior Associate

Valentina Islami

Kaysha Valentina Islami, S.H.

Junior Associate

rikiswanto SH

Teguh Rikiswanto, S.H.

Junior Associate


Valdy Ongky, S.H.

Junior Associate

Ridho Illahi

Alfath Ridho Illahi S.H., LL.M.


Ramadhan Lesmana, S.H.

Jihad Ramadhan Lesmana, S.H.

Junior Associate